June 6, 2016

Poised for Growth: Raising Equity Capital for Small to Mid-Sized Firms

Crowd photo at the Executive Forum
Crowd photo at the Executive Forum

Earlier this week, Lokesh Sikaria, Managing Partner of Moneta Ventures, and Curt Rocca, Managing Partner of DCA Partners, were the featured speakers at this quarter’s River City Bank Executive Forum. As seasoned executives and dedicated business influencers with expertise in attracting capital to build small firms into prominent multi-million dollar companies, Lokesh and Curt were able to share key insights on the valuable lessons they have learned on leading high-growth organizations from start to finish. Both speakers also shared the important differences between private equity and venture capital and which strategy specific businesses should emulate.

Lokesh was previously the Founder and CEO of Sparta Consulting, a global IT consulting firm that grew to $100 million in revenue within five years. He served as CEO of Rapidigm, Inc., where he cultivated the company’s SAP business into one of the ten largest SAP consulting practices in the nation.  Curt is responsible for all aspects of DCA Partners and serves as a General Partner to the firm’s affiliated private fund. Prior to his work with DCA Partners, Curt was President, CEO, and Chairman of the Board of Bio-Dental Technologies Corp., which quickly became one of the nation’s fastest-growing public companies under his leadership.

About the Executive Forum:  Hosted by River City Bank and sponsored by Boutin Jones, Warren G. Bender Company, DCA Partners, BFBA, and Genovese Burford & Brothers (GBB), the quarterly Executive Forum series provides an opportunity for C-Level executives to network and learn from subject matter experts, consultants and entrepreneurs, and share best practices for competing in today’s market.

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